Jan 14, 2014

Relief Society

I never truly realized everything that the Relief Society presidency has to do until this week.  A few months ago I was called to be a councilor in the presidency, a councilor that I was previously while in a single college ward.  In the college ward, the presidency didn't teach lessons (to few callings with so many girls), we didn't have funerals, baby births, women in a nursing home, women falling and breaking a hip, and multiple surgeries.  We were all single girls 18-20 years old, not worried about a thing but ourselves and our future.  It was easy.
Our ward has a big variety of members.  The sisters in our RS range from 20 to 94.  One sister passed away last night, and she was only 62, but contracted the flu virus and pneumonia.  She was a very active sister that was loved by so many.  Her daughter is also is our ward, so we had a young mom just loose her mother.  One sister had her first baby this past week, and another is ready to have her 5th baby, anyday.  I love working with these sisters.  I loved this ward when we lived in it 10 years ago.   I just pray that I can help them in any way possible.  Trying to come up with activities to interest such a wide range of sisters seems impossible.  
I'll finish this post later

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