Mar 1, 2012

Ready or not

Everywhere I go, friends keep asking if I'm ready to leave on our big vacation? A week ago, it was a definate yes. But as time draws nearer and I think about leaving my sweet little Macey home, I'm not so sure. At least I do know that she will draw me home and make me need to come back to this frigid winter weather. Others have asked why we are not taking her with us, well the rest of us a flying for a total of $70, thanks to frequent flier miles and there wasn't enough for another ticket. That's an excuse though. While living in Kauai, this pitiful stroller went through at least 50 airport terminals and had so much sand from the beach that I had to clean out. I truthfully just could not bear having to take it back! Plus we would have to deal with naps, problems with going on our planned hikes, getting a bigger rental car and the list goes on. I do want to say thank you so much to those that are keeping my baby (she's two now so not so much a baby) while we are gone for the next 10 days!

Today I will get ready and though I have lots to do, it'll get done so that tomorrow we will be off. I do want to give a special thanks to Mandie & Rusty Cook and Dale & Genevieve Keep for letting us slip up our time and stay with them. Mandie & Rusty have a moving container come to park in front of their house 2 weeks after we leave, so this is so nice of them to make the time for us! Mandie wants to know what we want to do all week.... I don't know....I've seen it all....I think I just want to chilax on the warm sand. Problem is while my girls didn't turn back to having snow white's skin as soon as we moved back to Utah I did, and while they never burnt bad, I do. That reminds me I need to pack the sunscreen.

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